Gastric Stomach And Duodenum Ulcer : Causes Symptoms Diagnosis And Treatment
Gastric Stomach And Duodenum Ulcer : Causes Symptoms Diagnosis And Treatment

Gastric Stomach And Duodenum Ulcer : Causes Symptoms Diagnosis And Treatment

When we consume food, it initially enters the stomach, where it is stored and begins the process of digestion. Subsequently, the partially digested food moves into the small intestine for further digestion and absorption of nutrients.

The uppermost part of the small intestine is known as the duodenum.

Ulcers commonly develop in the stomach and duodenum and are referred to as gastric ulcers when in the stomach and duodenal ulcers when in the duodenum.

A person may experience issues such as pain in the upper part of the stomach, vomiting, or the passage of black stools.

Hello, I am Dr. Vikas Singla. Today, we will be discussing gastric and duodenal ulcers.

In this video, we will explore the concept of ulcers, examining their definition, the underlying causes that contribute to their development, methods for diagnosing ulcers, and various treatment approaches.

An ulcer refers to the presence of a wound. In the stomach and duodenum, there is a protective layer known as the mucosa. If a gap or wound forms in this mucosa layer, it is termed an ulcer.

Why is ulcer formed?

The primary cause of gastric and duodenal ulcers is infection with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). This bacterial infection affects the stomach and can lead to the development of ulcers in these gastrointestinal regions.

When an individual has an H. pylori infection in their stomach, it can lead to an increased production of stomach acid. This heightened acid secretion can result in the formation of ulcers in both the stomach and the duodenum. This condition is commonly referred to as peptic ulcer disease.

Another factor contributing to gastric and duodenal ulcers is the use of painkillers. Individuals experiencing pain in their back, head, or knees often resort to taking painkillers to alleviate their discomfort.

The use of painkillers can have adverse effects on the immunity of the stomach and duodenum. Reduced immunity may contribute to the development of ulcers.

Smoking and alcohol consumption are additional factors that can contribute to the development of ulcers.

Excessive smoking and alcohol consumption can contribute to the development of ulcers in the stomach and duodenum.

Additionally, individuals experiencing kidney or liver issues may also be at risk of developing stomach ulcers.

Let’s understand the symptoms of gastric and duodenum ulcer.

If someone has an ulcer in the stomach or duodenum, they typically experience pain in the upper part of their abdomen. This pain is often exacerbated when the patient has an empty stomach. Additionally, some individuals may also encounter pain after consuming food, and in some cases, the discomfort may radiate to their back.

Patients with ulcers may experience stomach contractions that can result in vomiting.

If an individual experiences bleeding from an ulcer, it may result in vomiting blood, known as hematemesis, and could potentially lead to the blockage of stool.

In certain cases, an ulcer may perforate, leading to an emergency. In such instances, patients often experience intense stomach pain, the potential spread of infection, and a drop in blood pressure.

In such instances, immediate surgical intervention is advisable to address the complications and ensure the patient’s well-being.

How we Diagnose Ulcer

If there is suspicion of an ulcer in a patient, we typically conduct an endoscopy. Through endoscopy, we can easily identify gastric and duodenal ulcers. During the procedure, we also perform a biopsy to check for the presence of H. pylori.

Patients sometimes inquire whether the ulcer could be cancerous. It’s important to note that in some cases, stomach cancer may manifest as an ulcer. During the endoscopy, we diligently focus on diagnosing the ulcer, and if there is any suspicion of cancer, we can obtain a biopsy from the ulcer for further examination.

How to Treat Ulcer

To address gastric and duodenal ulcers, we prioritize treating their underlying causes. If Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is identified, a two-week course of treatment involves antibiotics alongside medications to reduce acid production is given.

For ulcers caused by painkiller use, discontinuing these medications is crucial. We initiate a stepwise approach with appropriate medications, including those that reduce acid levels.

In cases where ulcers are linked to liver or kidney issues, our focus shifts to treating these conditions to minimize the likelihood of ulcer development.

Additionally, we advise patients to cease or reduce smoking and alcohol consumption, as these factors can exacerbate ulcer formation.

Having a stomach ulcer shouldn’t be a cause for excessive concern. With proper diagnosis and targeted treatment addressing the root cause, we can effectively manage and cure such issues.

I hope this information is beneficial for you.

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